News Archives | Perimattic Award Winning Agency in IT Services, DevOps, Custom Software Development Wed, 11 Sep 2024 10:00:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News Archives | Perimattic 32 32 What Is Kubectl Port-Forward and How Does It Work? Mon, 27 May 2024 17:54:27 +0000 Kubernetes is the popular container orchestration platform for deploying and managing the containerized applications. When we deploy a containerized application to the Kubernetes cluster, it runs inside the Pod. By default, Pods are not exposed to public internet. If you want to make the applications running inside the Pod accessible outside the Kubernetes cluster, you...

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Kubectl Port-ForwardKubernetes is the popular container orchestration platform for deploying and managing the containerized applications. When we deploy a containerized application to the Kubernetes cluster, it runs inside the Pod. By default, Pods are not exposed to public internet. If you want to make the applications running inside the Pod accessible outside the Kubernetes cluster, you are required to create the Service object.

However, there are many scenarios where you might not want to expose the application to the world using the Service for security reasons. For instance, when you want to test the application or do some debugging locally. This is where “kubectl port-forward” stands out.

The “kubectl port-forward” command permits you to forward the traffic from the local computer to Pod housing the containerized applications so that you can easily interact with the application and troubleshoot the issues.

In this article, we’ll know how to use “kubectl port-forward” to forward network traffic from the local computer to Pod running the “nginx” web server. So, let’s get started!

What Is Kubectl-Port-Forward and Why Do We Use It in Kubernetes?

kubectl port-forward is the command that allows you to create secure tunnel between the local computer and the Pod running in the Kubernetes cluster. This permits you to access the applications running in the Pod as it were running locally on the computer.

By using “kubectl port-forward”, you can easily access resources inside the Pod, making it convenient and useful for debugging, testing, as well as accessing the internal resources that are not yet exposed to the outside world.

How Does Kubernetes Port Forwarding Work?

Here’s how Kubernetes port forwarding works:

1. Command execution: You can execute the “kubectl port-forward” command, specifying the target Pod, target port, and local port.

2. Network connection set up: The network connection is set up between the local computer and the target Pod with the help of  Kubernetes API server.

3. Forward network traffic: Once the network connection is established, request that are made from the local computer is forwarded to the target Pod. Similarly, responses from the application running inside the Pod is forwarded back to the local computer. This permits you to interact with the applications and troubleshoot any error that may arise.

Kubectl Port-Forward Syntax

The syntax of the “kubectl port-forward” command is as follows:



Let’s break down the different components of this command:

  • kubectl: This is the command-line tool used to interact with Kubernetes clusters.
  • port-forward: This is the action that we want to perform with “kubectl”.
  • POD_NAME: This is the name of the Pod that we want to forward traffic to and from.
  • LOCAL_PORT: This is the port number on the local machine that we want to use to establish the connection.
  • REMOTE_POD_PORT: This is the port number on the Pod that we want to connect to.

Set up Port Forwarding With Kubectl

In the example below, we will walk through the process of setting up port forwarding in just two simple steps.

Step 1: Create a Deployment

Open a terminal window and run the following command to create an “nginx” deployment in your cluster. Nginx is a popular open source web server.

kubectl create deployment mynginx --image=nginx

Here, “mynginx” is the name of the deployment. You can choose any name you like for your deployment. And “–image=nginx” is the name of the Docker image (in this case, “nginx”) used to create the container that will run in the Pod you’ll be connecting to.

After executing the command, you should see an output similar to this:

kubectl create deployment mynginx

Next, verify that the deployment has been created successfully using the “kubectl get deployments” command.

kubectl get deployments

We can see that the deployment named “mynginx” has been deployed successfully and is now running. Now, let’s make sure that the Pod created by the deployment is running too. To check this, run the following command:

kubectl get pods

This command will give you info about all the Pods that are currently running in your cluster, including their names, status, and other useful details. Look for the Pod with a name starting with “mynginx” and ensure that it’s in the “Running” state.

The output below shows that the “mynginx-ff886775c-zdrfc” Pod is running successfully. Note that the name of your Pod will be different from ours. That’s because Kubernetes creates a Pod name by adding unique characters to the deployment name.

kubectl get pods

Step 2: Forward a Local Port to a Port on the Pod

Now that we have our “nginx” web server up and running inside a Pod, we need to figure out a way to access it from our local machine.

Replace the <INSERT_POD_NAME> part in the command below with your Pod’s name, then run it to create a route between your local computer and the Pod:

kubectl port-forward <INSERT_POD_NAME> 8080:80

After running the command, you’ll see an output similar to the following:

kubectl port-forward

While the terminal session is running, open a web browser and navigate to “http://localhost:8080” to access the “nginx” server running inside the Pod. You should see the default “Welcome to nginx!” page served by the “nginx” web server, indicating that the local request is being forwarded to the Pod.

Congratulations! The port forwarding is working as expected.

Remember that the terminal session where the “kubectl port-forward” command is running must remain open for the port forwarding to continue working. If you close the terminal session, the connection between your local machine and the Pod running the “nginx” web server will be lost, and you won’t be able to access the “nginx” web server anymore. If you want to continue working on the Kubernetes cluster while maintaining the open connection created by the “kubectl port-forward” command, you should open another terminal window and execute your commands on it.

What Is the Difference Between Kubectl Port-Forward and Nodeport?

The kubectl port-forward command lets you forward network traffic from a local port on your computer to a port on a Kubernetes Pod. The idea is to make the application accessible only to you (the “kubectl” user), not the outside world.

It’s also important to understand that kubectl port-forward is typically used for testing and debugging purposes. It’s not a production-ready feature.

NodePort, on the other hand, is a type of Kubernetes Service. It is a way to expose an application to external clients outside of the Kubernetes cluster.

When you create a NodePort Service, Kubernetes opens a port on each worker node in the cluster. These ports can then be used by external clients to access the application.

What Is the Difference Between Kubectl-Proxy and Kubectl Port-Forward?

Kubectl-proxy creates a proxy server between your local computer and the Kubernetes API server. This means that any requests made to the Kubernetes API server by the client are forwarded through the proxy.

The main use case of kubectl proxy is to access the Kubernetes API server.

On the other hand, the kubectl port-forward command creates a tunnel from a local port on your machine to the target port on the Pod. This is especially useful when you want to access a specific Pod directly, like when debugging an application for example.

In summary, kubectl proxy is more suitable for general cluster access, while kubectl port-forward is better for targeting specific Pods.

Note: The Kubernetes API server is a web server that exposes the Kubernetes API, which external clients use to communicate with the cluster. For example, you could use the Kubernetes API to get a list of all running Pods in the cluster.


In this blog post, we learned how to use the “kubectl port-forward” command to forward network traffic from our local computer to a specific Pod in a Kubernetes cluster. We saw how easy it is to set up port forwarding in just a couple of steps and how this can be a valuable tool for local Kubernetes development and testing purposes.

The post What Is Kubectl Port-Forward and How Does It Work? appeared first on Perimattic.

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Kubectl exec: Everything You Need To Know in 2024 Fri, 24 May 2024 19:28:33 +0000 The “kubectl exec” command helps you to get inside the running container by opening it and accessing its shell. The shell gives a command-line interface for the running commands and interact with the container’s environment, likely to running commands on our own computer’s command line. In this article,we will explore abour kubectl exec and learn...

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The “kubectl exec” command helps you to get inside the running container by opening it and accessing its shell. The shell gives a command-line interface for the running commands and interact with the container’s environment, likely to running commands on our own computer’s command line.

In this article,we will explore abour kubectl exec and learn how to use “kubectl exec” to get a shell to the running container. So let’s get started.

What is Kubernetes?What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is considered as one of the powerful container orchestration platform for deploying and managing the containerized applications effectively. However, managing containerized applications is more than about just getting them and running up. Sometimes, it requires to interact with containers to perform crucial tasks, like debugging issues or modifying the files or directories.

So, the question is now that how can you interact with the running container? The answer is simple; by using the “kubectl exec” command. Now let’s understand what is kubectl exec.

What is Kubectl Exec?


Kubectl is the command line tool for communicating with Kubernetes clusters with the help of Kubernetes API. You can utilize it to track the Kubernetes status, edit resources, apply manifest files, and what not. It is the general admin tool for the k8s clusters.

It majorly relies on your operating system whether you need to install kubectl separately. The packages for Kubernetes and Docker may install it for you.

Kubectl Exec

Exec is one of the kubectl’s most useful tools. You can utulize it to execute the command inside the container. If you are familiar with Docker, then kubectl’s exec might remind you of the Docker’s exec command.

Kubectl Exec Syntax

The syntax for the “kubectl exec” command is given below:

kubectl exec [OPTIONS] POD_NAME -- COMMAND [ARGS...]

Now let’s know what each part of the syntax tells:

1. kubectl exec: This is the command that is used to execute commands inside the container.

2. [OPTIONS]: These are the optional flags that you can pass to “kubectl exec” to modify the behavior. For instance, you can use this “-it” flag to run the command in the interactive mode.

3. POD_NAME: This is the name of the Pod that contains the container you need to execute commands in.

4. —: This is a separator that explains “kubectl exec” to treat all  the subsequent arguments as the command to execute inside container.

5. COMMAND: This is the command you might need to execute inside the container.

6. [ARGS…]: These are  the optional arguments to the command you might need to execute.

Open and Access the Container’s Shell Using Kubectl Exec

In this section, we’ll explore how to open and access a container’s shell using the “kubectl exec” command. I’ll walk you through an example that involves five simple steps.Open and Access the Container’s Shell Using Kubectl Exec

Step 1: Create a Deployment

Before we can execute shell commands inside a container, we need to create a Kubernetes deployment. Open a terminal and run the following command:

kubectl create deployment mynginx --image=nginx

This command creates a deployment resource named “mynginx” using the “nginx” Docker image. And the deployment creates a Pod that hosts the container running the “nginx” web server

Step 2: Check the Pod status

Once the deployment is created, we need to check the Pod status to ensure that it’s running correctly. To do this, run the following command:

kubectl get pods

This command will display a list of all the Pods running in your Kubernetes cluster. Look for the Pod with a name starting with “mynginx” and ensure that it’s in the “Running” state.

Step 3: Open and access the container’s shell

A shell is a program that provides a command-line interface for interacting with an operating system, including a container’s operating system. It allows you to enter commands and execute them within the container’s environment.

To open and access the shell of the container running the “nginx” web server, run the following command:

kubectl exec -it mynginx-56766fcf49-4b6ls -- /bin/bash

Here, “/bin/bash” is the command that will be executed inside the container running inside the “mynginx-56766fcf49-4b6ls” Pod. Because we have specified “bash”, you’ll see a Bash shell session that’s connected to the container.

You can now run any command that you would normally run using a shell. Before we jump into that, let’s explore the “-it” flag in more detail.

The “-it” flag is actually a combination of two flags: “-i” and “-t”.

The “-i” flag stands for “interactive” and tells “kubectl” that we want an interactive session with the container. This means that we’ll be able to send commands to the container and see its output.

The “-t” flag is used to allocate a pseudo-TTY (terminal) and tells “kubectl” that we want a terminal session with the container. This means that we’ll see the output from the container in a terminal window.

Without the “-t” flag, we won’t see the shell prompt. The output from the container will still be displayed, but we won’t be able to interact with the container’s shell. We won’t be able to execute any commands that require user input.

Step 4: Run commands using the shell

Now that we have access to the container’s shell, let’s run some commands inside the container. Let’s use the “curl” command to access the default page served by the “nginx” web server running inside the container. Run the command below:

curl http://localhost

After executing the command, you’ll see an output similar to this:

The output you see above is the content of the “index.html” file, which is the default page served by the “nginx” web server. Note that the “index.html” file is stored in the “/usr/share/nginx/html/” directory inside the container.

Now, let’s replace the contents of the “index.html” file with the text “Welcome to perimattic “. To do this, run the following command:

echo "Welcome to Perimattic" > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html

This command will write the text “Welcome to perimattic ” to the “index.html” file, effectively replacing its content.

Now, let’s execute the “curl” command again to verify that the change has been implemented successfully.

curl http://localhost

After executing the command, you’ll see an output similar to this:

As you can see, the default page is replaced with the text “Welcome to Perimattic “.

Congratulations! You have now successfully interacted with a running container from it’s shell.

Step 5: Exit the container’s shell

To exit the container’s shell and back to the terminal, press the “CTRL + D” button or you can run the “exit” command.


In this post, we learned how to execute shell commands into a running container using the “kubectl exec” command. It is a powerful tool for managing and troubleshooting containerized applications in a Kubernetes cluster.

If you have a Docker container that is not yet deployed to a Kubernetes cluster, you can still execute shell commands inside the container using the “docker exec” command.

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Git Detached Head: What Is It and How To Fix This? Thu, 23 May 2024 23:35:15 +0000 If you are also one of the millions of git user, you may have also encountered the “detached HEAD state”. It might be annoying for you but it can be fixed easily. In the Git, HEAD refers to currently checked-out latest commit of branch. However, in a detached HEAD state, the HEAD doesn’t point to...

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If you are also one of the millions of git user, you may have also encountered the “detached HEAD state”. It might be annoying for you but it can be fixed easily.

In the Git, HEAD refers to currently checked-out latest commit of branch. However, in a detached HEAD state, the HEAD doesn’t point to any branch, butto the specific commit or the remote repository. In this article, we will explore about git head and know what the Git detached HEAD state is and some sceneriaos that cause it. Then, we will demonstrate how to save changes in a detached head so it can quickly recover from the situation.

About Git 

Git is the fast, scalable, flexible and has more commands compare to the older version control systems (VCS). However learning Git might be more difficult than it was with older systems. Complex commands less intuitive user interface can lead to unwanted states which includes detached HEAD state. Now let’s talk about detached HEAD state.

What Is a HEAD in Git?What Is a HEAD in Git?

Now the question is what does HEAD actually mean in Git? To understand that, we have to take one step back and talk about fundamentals.

A Git repository is the collection of references and objects. Objects carry relationships with each other, and references point to objects tl other references. The main objects in the Git repository are commits, but some other objects also include blobs and trees. The most important references in the Git are branches, which can be think of as labels you put on a commit.

HEAD is another important types of reference. The main purpose of the HEAD is to keep track of the current point in the Git repository. In other words, HEAD is the answer to the question, “Where am I right now?”

For example, while using the log command, how does Git understand which commit it should begin displaying results from? HEAD provides the answer to this question. When you create new commit, the parent is indicated by where HEAD currently points to.

About ‘detached HEAD’ state

You have just learn that HEAD in Git is only the name of the reference which indicates the current point in the repository. So, what does it mean for it to be attached or detached?

Most of the time, HEAD points to the branch name. When you create a new commit, your branch reference is automatically updated to point to it, but HEAD remains as it is. When you change branches, HEAD is automatically updated to point to the branch you have switched to. All of this means that, in these situation, HEAD is “the last commit in the current branch.” This is the normal state, in which HEAD is attached to a branch.

If you want to keep the changes you made in the detached HEAD state, you can easily solve this issue with three simple steps:

  1. Creating a new branch
  2. Committing the changes
  3. Merging the changes

Benefits of using git detached HEAD

There are several benefi for using this state. A few are highlighted below:

1. You can explore any commit:

Being in a git detached HEAD state permits you to explore any commit in the commit history.

2. You can run code change experiments:

You can test out any desired code changes on the specific commit without worrying about its affect on any branch.

3. You can also debug issues

You can also debug issues in this state using the gitbisect command to find out the commit that introduced a bug.

How to fix a git detached HEAD

Most of the times, you unintentionally get into this state and want to get out of this state. And most times, you get into this state intentionally and experimentally. These are 2 possible situation you may find yourself in. Now, let’s assume you are currently in the git detached HEAD state and explore each scenario:

1. Fix a git detached HEAD if you got there unintentionally

If you got this error state accidentally and would want to get out as soon as possible, probably disregarding any accidental code changes made too.

To do this, just switch or checkout any of your existing branches on your local git repository. You can do so by running the git command:

git checkout feature_branch or git switch feature_branch

When you run any of the commands above, the HEAD will now point to the branch reference, feature_branch.

2. Fix a git detached HEAD if you got there intentionally

You could also want to use a git detached HEAD state to check out some code changes that you may commit.

To get out of this state but still want keep these code changes, you can just create new branch and switch to it and then add and commit the changes.

# creates a new branch and then switches to it
git switch -c feature_test_branch or git checkout -b feature_test_branch

# stages your code changes
git add . 

# saves your code changes in your local git repository
git commit -m “Add a commit message here” 

Moreover, you can run thegit branch feature_test_branch to create the feature_test_branch, followed by git checkout feature_test_branch or git switch feature_test_branch to switch or check out to feature_test_branch, following the git commands to stage and save the code changes.

How to save changes in a detached HEAD? 

To keep the changes made in the detached HEAD state, use these three steps:

1. Create a new branch:

git checkout -b new_branch_name

2. Commit the changes:

git add .
git commit -m "Commit message describing the changes"

3. Merge the changes:

git checkout main # or the branch you want to merge into
git merge new_branch_name

Replace `new_branch_name` with the desired name for your new branch, and `Commit message describing the changes` with an appropriate commit message.

Best Practices to Avoid Git detached HEAD?

If you also want to avoid the git detached HEAD state, then here are some of the best practice discussed:

1. Check out a branch reference:

Always check out the branch reference and qvoid switching directly to the tag, commit, or remote branch.

2. Use git rebase cautiously:

Use git rebase cautiously. If the merge conflict occurs during the rebase operation then Git can pause the rebase operation and put in the detached state.


In conclusion, the git detached HEAD state usually occurs when you are not on the branch but directly on the specific commit. There are also different ways to get to this, but the common situation is to check out to the commit by its hash. You can easily get out of the git detached HEAD state by running the git switch or git checkout command.

A git detached HEAD also provide some benefits. For instance, you can use it to test out experimental code logic or commit that you think might have contain some bugs into the codebase of the project. Now that you understand what the git detached HEAD is, you won’t be get confused while encountering it again in the future. The git detached HEAD state can be very useful for you if you understand it really well, what it is and how it works.

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Bash Strings Comparison: 4 Ways To Check if Two Strings Are Equal Wed, 22 May 2024 23:31:10 +0000 While writing Bash scripts we will often required  to compare two strings to evaluate if they are equal or not. The two strings are equal when they have same length and contain same sequence of characters. In this article, we’ll look at some of the techniques to compare bash strings and explore several methods that...

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While writing Bash scripts we will often required  to compare two strings to evaluate if they are equal or not. The two strings are equal when they have same length and contain same sequence of characters.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the techniques to compare bash strings and explore several methods that can use to evaluate if two strings are equal. We’ll explain each technique with proper that will provide you a better understanding and a solid foundation for the future Bash scripting tasks. Now let’s dig in to the article.

What is Bash String? 

Bash String is the type of data that is similar to boolean or integer. It is usually used to represent the text. It is the string of characters which might also contain numbers enclosed within single or double quotes.

Comparing The Bash  Strings:  All the Techniquesbash strings all the technquies

1. Equality and Inequality Operators

The most common way to compare two bash strings is to check whether they are the same or not. This can be done by using double equal signs (==) for equality and for the  “not equal” operator use the combination (!=).

Here are examples of each:

if [ "perimattic1" == "perimattic2" ]; then echo "Equal"; fi
if [ "perimattic1" != "perimattic2" ]; then echo "Not equal"; fi

In the above code we have compared variables as perimattic1  and perimattic2.

The equality and inequality operators are much easier to understand, and the ones you will be using a lot in bash string when checking roles or permissions.

2. Numerical Comparison

If you have two numbers in bash, stored in variables, and want to check which one is greater than then you have to use something known as “numerical comparison”, that is very different from what you have been using to in other languages that treat variables differently depending on how they are declared.

For numerical comparisons, bash has the following operators:

  1. eq – equality
  2. lt – inequality
  3. le – lesser than or equal
  4. gt – greater than
  5. ge – greater than or equal
  6. ne – not equal

Here’s a example of using the “lesser than” operator:

if [ "$c" -lt "$d" ]; then
    echo "$c is less than $d”

In this example, the two variables $a and $b are numbers. However, they’re represented by strings internally, so when we want to check if one is lesser than the other, we use the “lt” numerical operator.

To use the numerical operators, you must use them with a dash (-) as shown in the examples above. They are not as intuitive to write as regular comparison operators in other languages. However, because bash treats all variables as strings, we have no choice left but to use these slightly unintuitive operators for numerical comparisons.

3. Partial String Matching

Partial string matching in Bash can be achieved using various methods such as pattern matching with wildcards, substring extraction, or regular expressions. Here are some examples:

partial string matching

1. Pattern Matching with Wildcards:


# Check if the string contains "Hello" anywhere in it
if [[ "$string" == *"Hello"* ]]; then
echo "Partial match found: Hello"
echo "No partial match for: Hello"

2. Substring Extraction:


# Extract a substring and check if it matches
if [[ “$string” == *”$substring”* ]]; then
echo “Partial match found: $substring”
echo “No partial match for: $substring”


3. Regular Expressions:


# Use regular expressions to check for a partial match
if [[ "$string" =~ "Hello" ]]; then
echo "Partial match found: Hello"
echo "No partial match for: Hello"

4. Regex String Comparisons

Bash string permits you to compare it to regular expressions. For example:

if [[ "$str" =~ ^[a-zA-Z]+$ ]]; then echo "str is alphabetic"; fi

In the above example, “$str” with a regular expression that checks to see if the string is alphabetic. Since regexes use square brackets for their expressions, the matching needs you to use double square brackets [[ ]] for partial string matching.

5. String Length Comparisons

Instead of comparing the contents of two strings, you can also compare their length by using the hash (#) operator and can compare lengths by utilizing the numerical comparison.

Bash Strings Compare: How to Check if Two Strings Are Equal with Example

Create a Script File

The first step to check if two strings are equal by creating a script file.



if [[ "$string1" == "$string2" ]]; then
echo "Strings are equal"
echo "Strings are not equal"

Now that we have our script file ready, let’s now move on to the next step where we will try the several techniques to check if the two strings are equal.

Technique1: Check if Two Strings Are Equal with the test Command

The test command is the built-in shell command that is utilized to evaluate conditional expressions. It has the following syntax:

test expression

Let’s now write a script using the testcommand to check if two strings are equal. Here’s the script:



if test "$string1" = "$string2"; then
echo "Strings are equal"
echo "Strings are not equal"

In this script:

– We assign the strings “perimattic” and “perimattic” to the variables `string1` and `string2`, respectively.
– Then, we use the `test` command with the equal (`=`) operator to compare the two strings.
– If the strings are equal, the script prints “Strings are equal”; otherwise, it prints “Strings are not equal”.

Technique 2: Check if Two Strings Are Equal with the [ Command

Here’s the script to check if two strings are equal with the [ command:



if [ "$string1" = "$string2" ]; then
echo "Strings are equal"
echo "Strings are not equal"

In this script:

– We assign the strings “perimattic” and “perimattic” to the variables `string1` and `string2`, respectively.
– Then, we use the `[` command with the equal (`=`) operator to compare the two strings.
– If the strings are equal, the script prints “Strings are equal”; otherwise, it prints “Strings are not equal”.

Technique 3 : Check if Two Strings Are Equal Using the [[ Keyword

Here’s the script to check if two strings are equal with the [[ keyword:



if [[ "$string1" == "$string2" ]]; then
echo "Strings are equal"
echo "Strings are not equal"

In this script:
– We assign the strings “perimattic” and “perimattic” to the variables `string1` and `string2`, respectively.
– Then, we use the `[[` keyword with the equal (`==`) operator to compare the two strings.
– If the strings are equal, the script prints “Strings are equal”; otherwise, it prints “Strings are not equal”.

The `[[` keyword provides more features and flexibility for conditional expressions compared to the single `[` command.

Technique4: Check if Two Strings Are Equal in One Line

[[ "$string1" == "$string2" ]] && echo "Strings are equal" || echo "Strings are not equal"

This command uses the `[[` keyword with the equal (`==`) operator to compare the two strings.

If the strings are equal, it prints “Strings are equal”; otherwise, it prints “Strings are not equal”.

The `&&` operator is used for conditional execution. If the condition (`”$string1″ == “$string2″`) is true, the first command (`echo “Strings are equal”`) is executed. Otherwise, the second command (`echo “Strings are not equal”`) is executed.


In conclusion, in this article we have seen different techniques comparing bash strings and how to check if the two strings are equal,.We have used the test and [commands, as well as the [[ keyword. We also explore the way to carry out these equality string comparisons in one single line by using the logical && and || operators.

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How to Force Git Pull to Overwrite Local Files Tue, 21 May 2024 23:25:22 +0000 If you are a software developer, the you are very well with the git version control system Git is one of the powerful tools that permits you to manage changes to the codebase collaborate with team members and help to track progress time to time. However it is possible that you may sometimes encounter a...

The post How to Force Git Pull to Overwrite Local Files appeared first on Perimattic.


If you are a software developer, the you are very well with the git version control system Git is one of the powerful tools that permits you to manage changes to the codebase collaborate with team members and help to track progress time to time.

However it is possible that you may sometimes encounter a situation where you required to force the git pull to overwrite local files. This can usually happen when you have made local changes that clashes with changes made by other team members or when you want to delete your local changes and start new with the remote repository. In this article, we will know about git pull, when to force git pull and how to force git pull to overwrite local files.

Understanding Force Git Pull

Before we explore the specifics of forcing “git pull” to overwrite local files, it is suggested to know and have a basics of how “git pull” works. When you run “git pull”, git will automatically fetch changes from the remote repository and merge those changes into your local branch. If there are any clash between the local changes and the changes from the remote repository, git will prompt you to fix those conflicts manually. In many cases, it permits you to review and alter the changes before merging them into the local branch.

When to Force Git Pull?

However, there are situations where you may want to force “git pull” to overwrite local files without prompting for manual conflict resolution. This can be useful if you know that your local changes are obsolete and you want to replace them with the changes from the remote repository. It can also be useful if you want to discard your local changes and start fresh with the remote repository. In these situations, you can use the “–force” option with “git pull” to force git to overwrite local files without prompting for manual conflict resolution.

Why Did a Git Pull Throw That Error Anyways?

If you want to understand the git pull error, you first need to know the types of git repositories.

Git is the distributed version control system. This means that there is central remote repository like Github, used for collaboration with other developers on the project. On the contrary, each developer has their own Local Repository on their own machine where they can develop code changes before pushing them to remote repository. This permits for an efficient and streamlined workflow while collaborating on projects with others.

The local repository has 3 different stages: working directory, staging area, and commit history area.types

1. Working area:

The Working area or directory is where all your project files stay. Any file changes you make in your project are all in this area of your local repository, which is on your local machine. It contains untracked changes that have not been staged or committed yet.

2. Staging area:

The Staging area is where your project file changes that are ready to be committed stay. It contains trackedchanges that would be committed next.

3. Commit History area

The Commit History area is the Git repository where all your commits are stored.

Now that you have understood the kinds of git repositories, let’s understand the error thrown.

What is This Error – “Untracked working tree file ‘some_file.go’ would be overwritten by merge”?

From the error message above, you have project file in your Working area that have not yet been committed to the Git repository.

But you are trying to pull from a remote repository that most likely has file changes made on the same file you are working on locally. So, Git threw that error to tell you that you would lose your local file changes, which conflicts with changes from the remote repository when you ran git pull.

The right solution to any problem ideally depends on the expected outcome, as each issue has its context and a desired outcome. So, depending on your scenario,

  • You might not want to save the local file changes you have, and you are fine with Git overwriting them, or
  • Perhaps, you don’t want to lose your file changes and want them saved first before pulling changes from a remote repository.

Let’s discuss both scenarios.

How to force git pull without saving local file changes

The approaches to be discussed here discard all your uncommitted local file changes by overwriting them. Let’s dive in.

Git pull <remote_repo_alias> <remote_repo_branch_name> –force

git pull origin develop --force

This will fetch changes from the remote repository aliased with ‘origin’ and merge them into your feature branch, disregarding any conflicting local changes you have made by overwriting them with changes from the remote.

Git fetch –all && git reset –hard <remote_repo_alias>/<branch_name>

git fetch --all && git reset --hard origin/develop

The git fetch --all command fetches or downloads changes from all remote repositories defined in your local repository and uses these changes to update only the remote-tracking branches in your local repository. Please note that this command does not modify your local branches.

The git reset --hard origin/developcommand makes your feature branch point to the latest commit of the remote repository’s ‘develop’ branch. The --hard option ensures that git discards any local changes that have not been committed, i.e., the uncommitted local changes in the working area or staging area will be lost.

Together, these commands will update your local feature branch with the latest changes from the remote’s ‘develop’ branch.

Please note that there are several other combinations of git commands which achieve the same result of overwriting your local file changes without saving them.

How to force git pull but save local file changes

Remember, in this scenario, you are already on your feature branch locally with changes in your working area or directory that have not yet been staged, let alone committed.

You can either commit your local changes or stash them.

Commit Local Changes

git add .
git commit -m "Add commit message before merge here"
git pull origin develop
# If any merge conflicts happen, manually resolve them and do the below
git add .
git commit -m "Add merge commit message here"

The commands above do the following, respectively:

  • Adds files in the current directory (.) to the Staging area
  • Creates a new commit that is stored in the Local Git Repository
  • Fetches the latest changes from the develop branch on the remote repository aliased as origin
  • If there are merge conflicts, resolve the conflicts manually. Then, stage your changes and commit your changes as done previously with the git add and git commit commands.

Stash Local Changes

git stash --include-untracked
git pull origin develop
# If any merge conflicts happen, manually resolve them and do the below
git add .
git commit -m "Add merge commit message here"
# Put your saved local changes back in your working area
git stash apply

The commands above do the following, respectively:

  • By default, the git stashcommand only saves changes to files that git tracks, i.e., files that have been staged or committed. But with the --include-untracked option, changes made to files that are both tracked (i.e., files in the working directory) and untracked are saved.
  • Fetches the latest changes from the ‘develop’ branch on the remote repository aliased as origin.
  • If there are merge conflicts, it gives the option of resolving the conflicts manually, then staging your changes. And committing them as done previously with the git add and git commitcommands.
  • Applies your saved changes which are your most recent stash, to your Working area and still keep the stash applied for future use, i.e., it does not remove an applied stash from the list of stashes you have.

How to fix other similar git pull errors

Let’s look at some common errors below.

Error during checkout or switch:

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.

The error above usually happens when you run the git checkout or the git switch command. You could be trying to switch to another branch or commit hash when you have local changes that have not been committed yet changes in files in your working area or changes in files that have been staged that conflict with changes in the branch or commit you are trying to switch to. Git throws the above error to tell you that your changes will be lost in the process.

To resolve this error:

  • If you want to discard your file changes: you can run the git checkout or the git switchcommand with the --forceoption.
  • If you don’t want to lose your file changes: you can follow the steps explained previously by either committing your changes or stashing your changes first before switching to another branch or commit.

Error when you have changes in your working area and staging area:

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge.

The error above occurs when you have changes in files in your Working area or in files that have been Staged that conflict with the changes in the remote repository you are trying to pull from.

To resolve this error, you can follow the same steps discussed previously, depending on whether you want to discard or save your local changes.


When you forcefully pull code from a remote repository, it can lead to the loss of the code changes you just wrote, which is mostly an unintended outcome. It is generally recommended to use an approach that will allow you to review file changes and resolve conflicts that arise.

Unless you are completely sure that you want to discard your changes, avoid forcefully pulling changes from a remote repository.

The post How to Force Git Pull to Overwrite Local Files appeared first on Perimattic.

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How to Fix the Problem of Host key Verification error Mon, 20 May 2024 23:27:23 +0000 The “Host Key Verification” SSH Connection error occurs when a remote host changes its authentication key, but their client PC holds the same old Key in the “known_hosts” file. To fix this error, the user should make changes in the host_key file or should delete it completely. Another potential way to fix this issue is...

The post How to Fix the Problem of Host key Verification error appeared first on Perimattic.


The “Host Key Verification” SSH Connection error occurs when a remote host changes its authentication key, but their client PC holds the same old Key in the “known_hosts” file. To fix this error, the user should make changes in the host_key file or should delete it completely. Another potential way to fix this issue is to disable that strict host key checking option during SSH connection.

This error might become frustrating sometimes. So in this article we will deeply understand this host key verification error and ways to fix this problem.

What is a Host Key in SSH?

A Host key is the unique identifier, used to verify the remote host’s identity. When you connect to the remote host, the key matches with the list of known Host keys. If that matches, the connection will be permitted to proceed. If the remote host doesn’t get verified, the connection will automatically be denied. Moreover, the Host key is also used to generate cryptographic signatures for each of the connections. This signature is then used to verify the data integrity that is being transferred between the server and the client.

How does SSH Work?

When someone connects to the remote server by SSH connection for the first time, their client generates a cryptographic host key for that hostname or server’s IP. This acts as the digital fingerprint, to identify the server that you are connecting to. If you try to reconnect in the future, SSH automatically verifies if the key presented by the server matches with what was stored in the known_hosts file. This is one of the security features. Without the verification of the host key, no one can get the access.

What Causes The Host Key Verification Failure Error?

What Causes The Host Key Verification Failure Error?

The host key verification error occurs when SSH detects any mismatch between the host key sent by the server and the host key stored locally. Here are some of the reasons why this error occurs:

1. The server has been upgraded or reinstalled, which causes a generation of a new host key.

2. The server has rotated the host key, which can be considered as good security practice to prevent the host key from getting leaked.

3. The network configuration of the server might have been updated, like the hostname or the IP address.

4. The known_hosts file on the client has been corrupted or altered which might have modified or deleted the host key entry for the server.

Troubleshooting Steps

Below are some troubleshooting steps:

1. Check and verify the fingerprints: Check and verify if the server host key fingerprint matches with the one in the known_hosts file. If it matches, then you can be sure that the host key has changed for some reason and can direct to the solutions. If it does not match, then you should be more cautious and find out further before connecting to the server.

2. Check for DNS changes or IP address on the server: Check for DNS changes or IP address on the server and verify if the hostname or the IP address of the server you are trying to connect matches. You can check the DNS records or the IP address of the server by using tools like ping, nslookup, or dig. If they have been changed, then you should update the SSH command or configuration to utilize the new one.

3. Check if the server is behind the firewall: Check if the server is behind a firewall, a NAT device, or a proxy, that might affect the SSH connection. To check the network connectivity of the server, you can use tools like telnet, nmap, or traceroute. If the server is behind any firewall, a NAT device, or a proxy, then adjust your SSH command or configuration to utilize the correct IP address.

4. Check if the SSH server host key files have been changed: Log in to the server using alternative methods, like a web interface or console, and check the SSH server host key files and configuration.

Methods to fix problem of Host key verification failed

To resolve this error, you are required to make changes in the “known_hosts” file. Moreover, you can actually delete the known_hosts file from your system. Let’s now explore some of the ways to fix this issue:

Method 1: Delete The Old Key From the known_hosts File

The first and most easy method is to update or change the SSH host authentication key. Then you are required to delete the old key from the known_hosts file. You can use the ssh_keygen for this. To do this, use the following syntax in a new terminal:

ssh-keygen -R HOSTNAME

Make sure to replace the “HOSTNAME” with the actual hostname or IP Address of the remote host. The next thing to do is to retry the connection with the remote host by utilizing the updated key, and then the connection will be successful.

Method 2: Manually Remove the Key by Using the sed Command

Whenever you face this error, the error prompt will contain that line number on which the details or key details are placed for that host.

Let’s take the line number “11” within the known_hosts file. Now, delete line 11 from the known_hosts file by using the below command:

sed -i '10' ~.ssh/known_hosts

Moreover, you can also use the Vim editor as an alternative. Just use the following command:

vim +10 known_hosts

Here, “+10” defines the line number. Once inside the Vim editor:

1. Press the “d” key twice.

2. Press the Colon “:” and type “x” and then the “Enter key” to save the changes.

3. Retry the connection with the updated key, and you are done.

Method 3: Delete the known_hosts File

Sometimes, the known_hosts file gets corrupted and then causes the SSH connection to fail. In these types of cases, changing a corrupted known_hosts file would not help. Hence , it requires deleting the whole known_hosts file.

In Linux, to delete it, you can use the following command:

sudo rm .ssh/known_hosts

Once you have entirely deleted the known_hosts file, connect it to the remote host again and provide them with the right and updated key.

For Windows, follow these below steps:

1. Press the “Win+R” key to open up the run prompt.

2. Type ‘regedit.exe’ and press the enter key for opening the registry editor.

3. Head over to:


4. Delete All Keys

Method 4: Disable the SSH stricthostkeychecking Option

The “stricthostkeychecking” is one of the security features that sometimes causes a barrier while trying to connect to the remote host. But you don’t need to disable the security feature for all the connections. To disable this option, use the following flag only for the particular host during SSH Connection:

ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no hostname

Ensure replacing the “hostname” with the actual hostname of the remote server you are trying to connect to.


In conclusion, this article covered how to fix this “host key verification failed” error in SSH. With these four simple methods discussed, you can fully control the SSH host keys. Keep in mind that as your configs and systems evolve, keys will necessarily drift, but with these solutions, reconciliation would be easy.

The post How to Fix the Problem of Host key Verification error appeared first on Perimattic.

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How to Delete Remote Git Tags: Importance, Best Practices, and Release Management Tips Fri, 17 May 2024 18:51:10 +0000 In this article, we will know what git tags are, the importance they have in release management, how to delete git tags both remote and local, and the best practices to follow while deleting them. What is a Git tag? To know deeply what a tag in Git does, you are required to first understand...

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In this article, we will know what git tags are, the importance they have in release management, how to delete git tags both remote and local, and the best practices to follow while deleting them.

What is a Git tag?what is git tag

To know deeply what a tag in Git does, you are required to first understand the importance and  played by branches and commits. A branch has a movable pointer or HEAD pointer that mainly points to the latest commit. A commit captures the code of your software project at a certain time. When you add commits to the branch, its then associated HEAD pointer that automatically moves to point to the latest commit made on that branch.

Now, for you to mark a special version of your project (to mark a commit in a branch), you are required to create a tag.

A tag is usually used to mark the commit on the main/master branch for the software release. Tags can also serve as the future reference for any desired use such as it can cater to reference a stable software project version. Unlike branch HEAD pointers, move as more commits are added to the branch, tags does not move. It remains fixed even if more commits are added.

Types of Git tags

Git has two types of tags:types of git tag

1. Lightweight tag:

Lightweight tag is the type of tag that does not have extra information apart from the name of the tag and the commit hash that it marks or references. It can be design by utilizing the git tag <tag_name> command.

2. Annotated tag:

Annotated tag is the type of tag that contains extra information such as the tagger’s information like name and email, the date, the commit was tagged, or any message made by the tagger. It can be design by utilzing the git tag -a <tag_name> -m <tag_message>command.

Now that we know how Git tags types, let’s know how to delete them.

How to Delete a local Git tag

In order to delete a local Git tag, use the “git tag” command with the “-d” option.

$ git tag -d <tag_name>

For example, if you wanted to delete a local tag named “v1.0” on your commit list, you would run

$ git tag -d v1.0
Deleted tag 'v1.0' (was 808b598)

If you try to delete a Git tag that does not exist, you will simply be notified that the tag does not exist.

$ git tag -d v2.0
error: tag 'v2.0' not found.

If you want to make sure that tags were correctly deleted, simply list your existing tags using the tag command and the “-l” option.

$ git tag -l

Delete a remote Git tag

In order to delete a remote Git tag, use the “git push” command with the “–delete” option and specify the tag name.

$ git push --delete origin tagname

Back to the previous example, if you want to delete the remote Git tag named “v1.0”, you would run

$ git push --delete origin v1.0

 - [deleted]         v1.0

To delete a remote Git tag, you can also use the “git push” command and specify the tag name using the refs syntax.

$ git push origin :refs/tags/<tag>

Back to the example, in order to delete a tag named “v1.0”, you would run

$ git push origin :refs/tags/v1.0

 - [deleted]         v1.0

Why should we specify the “refs/tags”instead of just specifying the tagname?

In some cases, your tag may have the same name as your branch.

If you tried to delete your Git tag without specifying the “refs/tags” you would get the following error

$ git push origin :v1.0

error: dst refspec v1.0 matches more than one.
error: failed to push some refs to '<repository>'

As a consequence, you need to specify that you are actually trying to delete a Git tag and not a Git repository.

  • deliverables.

Benefits of deleting tags

Here are some advantages of deleting unused tags:

It helps keep your repository clean and organized by reducing clutter. It ensures that only the needed tags are maintained at every point in time which helps manage relevant tags.

Deleting unused tags eases release management.

It helps prevent eating up storage space, especially on your local machine. Like branches, tags (especially annotated tags which are stored as full objects) consume disk space. Hence, deleting irrelevant tags helps you efficiently utilize your disk space.

Deleting tags can help CI/CD pipelines to be more efficient as only relevant tags will be considered and processed. The performance of the pipeline will improve as old tags won’t be pushed accidentally to trigger it unnecessarily. This will also contribute to faster deployments and deliverables.

Common errors while deleting the tags and how to resolve them

There are some errors you may encounter  when you try to delete a tag. Let’s look at some of them below.

1. Tag deleted keeps coming back even after deletion locally and remotely

You could be in a scenario where you are sure you deleted certain git tags both locally and remotely but you still see them after some time for unknown reasons.

This could happen when you have other collaborators on a git repository. To resolve this, always ensure you communicate the deletion of a tag so that others can update their local repositories. Better still, set up branch protection.

2. Error deleting a tag with the same branch name

error: dst refspec tag_name matches more than one.
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://remote_repository_url'

The error above happens because the tag_name reference is the same name as another reference in the remote repository i.e. there are multiple references (e.g. branches, tags) in the remote repository with the same name you specified.

To resolve the error above, run the command below:

git push origin --delete refs/tags/<tag_name>

This will delete the specified tag_name from the remote repository specified as origin in the above example. Git uses refs/tags/ as a prefix to reference tags.

Alternatively, you can run the command below which does the same thing:

git push origin :refs/tags/<tag_name>

In addition to the errors discussed above, you may have seen other similar errors depending on your scenario.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q 1: Does deleting a tag also delete a commit?

Ans: Remember that a commit is a snapshot of your software project at a specific time while a tag is simply a reference to that commit.

Internally, when a lightweight tag is created, Git creates a file with the same name as the tag name in the .git/refs/tags directory of your software project. For an annotated tag, Git stores it as an object in the .git/objects directory and also references it in the .git/refs/tags directory with a file that has the same name as the annotated tag created. Regardless of the type of tag being created, i.e. lightweight or annotated, the tag file (for lightweight tags) or tag object (for annotated tags) contains the commit hash that the tag references.

Hence, when you delete a git tag, only the tag is removed. The commit still remains intact.

Q 2: How do you know when to use tags or use branches?

Ans: Branches are used to track progressive development efforts. They are used to develop new features, fix bugs, etc.

Tags are commonly used for releases. They are used to mark a snapshot or version or state of your software project for a software release.


You have learned how tags can be easily deleted to keep a git repository organised and clutter-free. Use tags to manage releases and always audit their usage before deleting them to avoid dependent systems disruption. You can easily delete a tag on your local git repository using the git tag -d tag_name command.

It is recommended you always communicate and perform test runs before deleting a tag to avoid a system breakdown, especially for critical systems.

Use tags appropriately. For example, use tags for releases and use branches to track ongoing development efforts


Also Read Best Kubernetes Alternatives 


The post How to Delete Remote Git Tags: Importance, Best Practices, and Release Management Tips appeared first on Perimattic.

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How to Use Terraform For_each: A Comprehensive Guide in 2024 with Examples Thu, 16 May 2024 18:52:46 +0000 Do you also want to know about terraform for_each attribute. So let’s start by understanding about terraform first. Terraform is an open source tool. It is also under constant maintenance. Terraform is dynamic and always enables new features, as it is regularly updated by many programmers. You can also submit the features of your own...

The post How to Use Terraform For_each: A Comprehensive Guide in 2024 with Examples appeared first on Perimattic.


Do you also want to know about terraform for_each attribute. So let’s start by understanding about terraform first. Terraform is an open source tool. It is also under constant maintenance. Terraform is dynamic and always enables new features, as it is regularly updated by many programmers. You can also submit the features of your own to add something you think would be knowledgeable for the community.

Terraform is a powerful infrastructure-as-code tool that can utililze to automate the maintainance, creation, and destruction of cloud resources. It is likely to be  how programmers use repositories such as GitHub to store their code, now talking about terraform for_each attribute that offers many benefits of the version control system for an enterprises’ cloud infrastructure.

Terraform offers many features that encourage  best practices for programming , like code reuse and dynamic code blocks. In this article, you’ll learn about Terraform’s versatility as one of the infrastructure-as-code tools and also learn how to work with these useful feature of the terraform for_each attribute with examples.

Understanding the for_each Meta-ArgumentUnderstanding the for_each Meta-Argument

The terraform for_each meta-argument in Terraform is used for data structure, like for list or map, configuring resources and module blocks with each item. This dynamic block is useful when you have multiple similar resources, such as Kubernetes pods or virtual machines Kubernetes pods, that share the similar lifecycle but need other configurations. Terraform for_each is one of the looping constructs developed in version 0.13 known as count.

The for_each create multiple similar instances resource in a more flexible way. It works with a set of strings or a map or and creates an instance for each item in a map or set. Let’s see some of the examples of how for_each is used below.

Basic Usage of for_each

Simple List Example:

Here’s an example of using `for_each` in a Terraform configuration to create multiple AWS S3 buckets:

variable "buckets" {
type = map(object({
acl = string
force_destroy = bool

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
for_each = var.buckets

bucket = each.key
acl = each.value.acl

force_destroy = each.value.force_destroy

You can define your buckets in a `.tfvars` file like this:

buckets = {
bucket1 = {
acl = "private"
force_destroy = false
bucket2 = {
acl = "public-read"
force_destroy = true

How to use Terraformfor_eachattribute?

Generally a Terraform project’s code is paired up with the application along with the Terraform code that controls the infrastructure on which the application runs on.

To simplify the process of creating the same cloud resources many times, Terraform brings you the for_each argument. Passing the terraform for_each argument to the cloud resource tells it to alter a different resource for item listed in the map or list. Let’s know more about terraform for_each argument with some practical example:

Example: Using for_each to create a VPC resource

To illustrate, use a Terraform module to create a simple virtual private cloud (VPC) resource in AWS, as shown:

variable "vpcs" {
type = map(object({
cidr_block = string
instance_tenancy = string

resource "aws_vpc" "my_vpc" {
for_each = var.vpcs

cidr_block = each.value.cidr_block
instance_tenancy = each.value.instance_tenancy

tags = {
Name = each.key

2. Create the same VPC resource for multiple environments

To create the same VPC resource for multiple environments, you can utilize Terraform workspaces or manage separate state files for each environment. Here’s how you can do it using separate state files:

1. Create directories for each environment:

├── modules/
│ └── vpc/
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── prod/
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └── terraform.tfvars
└── dev/
└── terraform.tfvars


2. Define the VPC module in the module directory (`modules/vpc`), as described in the previous response.

3. Define the environment-specific configurations  in the `prod` and `dev` directories:


module "prod_vpc" {
source = "../modules/vpc"
cidr_block = var.prod_cidr_block
vpc_name = "prod-vpc"


variable "prod_cidr_block" {
description = "The CIDR block for the production VPC"


module "dev_vpc" {
source = "../modules/vpc"
cidr_block = var.dev_cidr_block
vpc_name = "dev-vpc"


variable "dev_cidr_block" {
description = "The CIDR block for the development VPC"

4. Define the environment-specific variable values in the respective `terraform.tfvars` files:


prod_cidr_block = ""


dev_cidr_block = ""

Benefits of Using Terraformfor_eachattributes 

1. Cut down unwanted duplication

Using the terraform for_each attribute can cut down on unwanted duplication in the Terraform configurations.

2. Less time taking and more efficient 

Adding new features or items to the environment list or altering existing items is very quick as all the main items for configurable are stored at one place.

benefits of terraform

3. Can develop different patterns with same setup

You can also use some different patterns to develop the same setup as in this example, lile using Terraform workspaces. However, for_each can be applied more widely to dynamically create resources depending on maps, lists, or other resources.

Limitations with Terraform for_each attributes 

for_each keys that is the keys of a map, or values that is the values in a set, used for iteration cater as identifiers for the multiple resources they develop . As such, they are visible in the terraform UI output that is terraform plan or terraform apply steps and also in the state file as well. Hence, sensitive values cannot be utilize as arguments in for_each implementations. The sensitive values that can’t be used are:

1. Sensitive input variables: These are variables set to true with the sensitive argument.

2. Sensitive outputs: These are outputs set to true with the sensitive argument.

3. Sensitive resource attributes: These are the attributes with sensitive data marked as sensitive using the built-in sensitive function.

You will get an error if you try using sensitive values as for_each arguments.

Also, the keys or values of a for_eachhave to be known before a terraform apply operation. These values or keys cannot also rely on the result of any unnecessary function such as  timestamp as they are evaluated later on during the main evaluation step. Also, use descriptive value or keys. Since terraform for_each values identify resources, uses meaningful keys or values that eventually helps to easily identify resources.

count vs. for_each

count vs for_eachWhile both count and for_each are used for looping in Terraform but offers different services. The count method is certainly used if you want to design a fixed number of identical resources. On the other hand, for_each is more convinient while dealing with resources that requires unique configurations.

It’s essential to note that count and terraform for_each are both exclusive, it means you cannot use them together for one single resource. However, there are workarounds to combine their functionalities.


Ỉn conclusions, you now might know about terraform and Terraform for_each and also seen several examples of how for_each can be utilized. Even though for_each gives you flexibility; you need to be mindful when using it, especially in large-scale deployments, to avoid performance degradation, as highlighted earlier.

The terraform for_each loop offers a powerful way to manage multiple resources effectively and effectively. By understanding its usage infrastructure engineers and developers can harness its full power to write Terraform code in more cleaner and maintainable way.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q 1 : What is Terraform?

A: Terraform is one of the open-source infrastructure as code software tool that permits you to define and modify your cloud infrastructure resources by using a declarative configuration language. It is mainly developed by HashiCorp.

Q 2: How does Terraform work?

A: Terraform works by utilizing a declarative configuration language to define and describe the expected state of your infrastructure. It then develop an execution plan that is based on that description and applies the changes to your infrastructure resources to bring them to the desired result.

Q 3: What is the purpose of the meta-argument in Terraform?

A: A meta-argument in Terraform is a special type of argument used to modify the behavior of the module or resource. It provides additional functionality or customization options as well.

Q 4:  How can I deploy multiple AWS EC2 instances in Terraform?

A: To deploy multiple EC2 instances in Terraform, you can use the `count` or `for_each` meta-argument on your resource block. This permits you to define a set of strings or a map or a set of objects to create multiple similar resources.

The post How to Use Terraform For_each: A Comprehensive Guide in 2024 with Examples appeared first on Perimattic.

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Bash Regex Mastery: A powerful Tool for Simplifying String Handlingin 2024 Wed, 15 May 2024 09:24:08 +0000 Regular expressions (regex) is the powerful tool for defining patterns within the text. These patterns caters as robust mechanisms for searching, manipulating, and matching text, significantly reducing the amount of code and effort required to perform complex text-processing tasks. Bash regex, a subset of regular expressions tailored for use within Bash scripts, serves as the...

The post Bash Regex Mastery: A powerful Tool for Simplifying String Handlingin 2024 appeared first on Perimattic.


Regular expressions (regex) is the powerful tool for defining patterns within the text. These patterns caters as robust mechanisms for searching, manipulating, and matching text, significantly reducing the amount of code and effort required to perform complex text-processing tasks.

Bash regex, a subset of regular expressions tailored for use within Bash scripts, serves as the cornerstone of efficient text manipulation in the Bash scripting realm. With its robust capabilities, Bash regex empowers scriptwriters to perform intricate pattern matching, validation, and extraction tasks with precision and efficiency.

From validating input formats to executing seamless search and replace operations, Bash regex equips scriptwriters with the tools needed to navigate complex text processing challenges with confidence and ease.

In this article, we will delve into the intricate world of Bash regex, uncovering its power and versatility in text manipulation within Bash scripting.

Understanding Bash Regex

bash regexImagine you’ve got a bunch of text, and you want to find or manipulate specific patterns within it. That’s where regular expressions (regex) come into play.

Think of regex as a secret language that allows you to describe complex patterns in text. It’s like being a detective, searching for clues in a sea of words. With regex, you can hunt down email addresses, phone numbers, or even that elusive typo that keeps messing up your code.

In Bash, regex is like the Swiss Army knife of text processing. It’s incredibly powerful yet can be a bit cryptic at first glance. But fear not, we’re here to unravel its mysteries.

At its core, Bash regex consists of characters and symbols that represent patterns. For example, the dot (`.`) matches any single character, while the asterisk (`*`) matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding character. It’s like having magic symbols that unlock hidden treasures within your text.

But wait, there’s more! Bash regex also has special characters called metacharacters, like the caret (`^`) and the dollar sign (`$`), which anchor your pattern to the beginning and end of a line, respectively. It’s like putting a flag on the map to mark your destination.

Now, let’s talk about character classes. These are like exclusive clubs for characters, where only certain types are allowed. For instance, `\d` matches any digit, `\w` matches any word character, and `\s` matches any whitespace. It’s like sorting your socks into different piles based on their colors.

But regex isn’t just about finding patterns; it’s also about transforming text. With Bash’s `sed` and `grep` commands, you can perform regex-based search and replace operations with ease. It’s like wielding a magic wand to fix all the typos in your document.

However, regex can be a double-edged sword. It’s easy to get carried away and create overly complex patterns that resemble hieroglyphics. Remember, readability is key! It’s like writing a mystery novel – you want your clues to be clear, not buried in cryptic symbols.

Benefits of Using Regex in Bash Scripting

Using regex in Bash scripting offers a multitude of benefits that can streamline your code, enhance functionality, and make text processing a breeze. Let’s explore some of the key advantages of incorporating regex into your Bash scripts.

1. Efficient Pattern Matching

Bash regex provides powerful pattern matching capabilities, allowing you to efficiently search for and extract specific patterns within text data. This can be invaluable for tasks such as parsing log files, extracting data from structured text formats like CSV or JSON, or validating user input. By leveraging regex, you can write concise and robust scripts that effectively handle a wide range of text processing requirements.

benefits of bash regex

2. Sophisticated Text Manipulation

Bash regex enables sophisticated text manipulation and transformation operations. With tools like `sed` and `grep`, which support regex, you can perform complex search and replace operations, extract substrings, or filter text based on intricate patterns. This versatility empowers you to automate tasks that would otherwise be tedious or error-prone, improving the efficiency and reliability of your scripts.

3. Enhanced Portability and Compatibility

Bash regex fosters code portability and compatibility across different environments. Since Bash is a widely used shell on Unix-like operating systems, incorporating regex into your Bash scripts ensures that they can run seamlessly on various platforms without requiring modifications. This cross-platform compatibility simplifies deployment and maintenance, making your scripts more versatile and accessible.

Regex Syntax and Patterns in Bash

Regex syntax in Bash revolves around a set of characters and symbols that define patterns within text data. Let’s delve into some key components of regex syntax along with practical examples to illustrate their usage.

1. Character Classes

Character classes are sets of characters enclosed within square brackets `[ ]`, representing a single character from that set. For example:

`[aeiou]` matches any vowel.
`[0-9]` matches any digit.


echo "apple" | grep -Eo '[aeiou]'



2. Quantifiers

Quantifiers specify the number of occurrences of the preceding character or group. For example:

`*`: Matches zero or more occurrences.
`+`: Matches one or more occurrences.
`?`: Matches zero or one occurrence.


echo "hellooooo" | grep -Eo 'o+'



3. Anchors

Anchors are used to specify the position of a pattern within a line of text. For example:

`^`: Matches the start of a line.
`$`: Matches the end of a line.


echo "start middle end" | grep -Eo '^start|end$'



4. Escape Characters

Escape characters `\` are used to match literal characters that have special meaning in regex. For example, to match a period `.` or asterisk `*` literally, you need to escape them with a backslash `\`.


echo "1.2*3" | grep -Eo '\*'



5. Grouping

Parentheses `( )` are used to group multiple characters or expressions together. This allows for applying quantifiers or other operators to the entire group.


echo "apple" | grep -Eo '(ap)+'



By mastering these fundamental elements of regex syntax and patterns in Bash, you can wield the power of text manipulation with finesse, crafting scripts that elegantly dissect, transform, and extract valuable information from textual data.

Best Practices for Bash Regex

Incorporating regex into Bash scripts can significantly enhance their text processing capabilities, but it’s essential to adhere to best practices to ensure efficiency, readability, and maintainability.

best practice

1. Use Anchors Wisely:

Employ anchors like `^` and `$` judiciously to precisely match patterns at the start or end of lines, enhancing accuracy and reducing false positives.


if [[ "$line" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "Numeric line: $line"

2. Optimize Character Classes:

Utilize character classes `[ ]` to specify sets of characters, enhancing clarity and conciseness in pattern definitions.


if [[ "$text" =~ [aeiou]+ ]]; then
echo "Text contains vowels."

3. Mindful Escaping:

Properly escape special characters to ensure they are treated literally when necessary, preventing unintended interpretation and errors.


if [[ "$input" =~ \* ]]; then
echo "Input contains an asterisk."

4. Grouping for Clarity:

Employ parentheses `( )` to group elements for applying quantifiers or other operators, improving readability and maintainability of complex patterns.


if [[ "$date" =~ (Jan|Feb|Mar) [0-9]{2}, [0-9]{4} ]]; then
echo "Valid date format."

By following these best practices, you can harness the full potential of Bash regex, creating robust scripts that efficiently tackle text processing challenges while promoting clarity and maintainability in your codebase.

Common Regex Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

While Bash regex offers powerful text processing capabilities, falling into common pitfalls can lead to errors and inefficiencies. Here’s how to sidestep these challenges:

1. Greedy Matching:

The default behavior of regex is greedy, meaning it matches as much text as possible. This can lead to unexpected results when trying to match specific patterns. To avoid this, use non-greedy quantifiers like `*?` or `+?` to match the shortest possible string.


echo “foo bar baz” | grep -Eo ‘foo.*bar’ # Greedy match
echo “foo bar baz” | grep -Eo ‘foo.*?bar’ # Non-greedy match

2. Unescaped Special Characters:

Forgetting to escape special characters can cause regex to interpret them as metacharacters, leading to incorrect pattern matching. Always escape special characters with a backslash `\` when they should be treated literally.


echo "1*2" | grep -Eo '*' # Incorrect
echo "1*2" | grep -Eo '\*' # Correct

3. Overusing Parentheses:

While parentheses are useful for grouping, excessive use can lead to overly complex patterns that are difficult to understand and maintain. Use parentheses sparingly and consider breaking down complex patterns into smaller, more manageable components.


echo "123-456-7890" | grep -Eo '(\d{3}-)?\d{3}-\d{4}' # Simplified pattern

By steering clear of these common pitfalls and adopting best practices, you can leverage the power of Bash regex with confidence, ensuring accurate and efficient text processing in your scripts.

Advanced Bash Regex Techniques

In Bash scripting, mastering regular expressions (regex) can significantly enhance your ability to manipulate and analyze text data. By leveraging Bash regex, you can perform advanced pattern matching and extraction tasks with ease.advanced bash regex technique

1. Validating Input Formats with Bash Regex

One powerful technique is using Bash regex to validate input formats, ensuring data integrity. For instance, you can validate email addresses or phone numbers before processing them further in your script, enhancing robustness and reliability.

2. Efficient Search and Replace Operations

Another useful application of Bash regex is in search and replace operations within text files. By defining precise patterns, you can efficiently locate and modify specific content, saving time and effort in text processing tasks.

3. Parsing Structured Data

Structured data, such as log files or CSV documents, often require parsing to extract meaningful information. Bash regex enables scriptwriters to parse such data efficiently, extracting relevant insights for analysis and reporting purposes. By crafting regex expressions tailored to the data’s structure, scriptwriters can unlock valuable insights from otherwise complex datasets.


In conclusion, Bash regex emerges as a transformative force, empowering scriptwriters to wield unparalleled control over text data. Through its versatile capabilities, Bash regex enables scriptwriters to validate input formats, execute efficient search and replace operations, and parse structured data with precision and agility.

By mastering advanced Bash regex techniques, scriptwriters unlock a myriad of possibilities for enhancing script functionality and efficiency. Whether it’s ensuring data integrity through input validation, streamlining text processing tasks with targeted search and replace operations, or extracting valuable insights from structured datasets, Bash regex serves as a cornerstone for robust and flexible scripting solutions.

The post Bash Regex Mastery: A powerful Tool for Simplifying String Handlingin 2024 appeared first on Perimattic.

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When and Why to Use ‘kubectl delete deployment’ in Managing Kubernetes Tue, 14 May 2024 20:57:31 +0000 In the ever-evolving world of software development, Kubernetes has established itself as a linchpin in managing containerized applications across various environments. Whether it’s cloud, on-premise, or hybrid systems, understanding how to effectively manage deployments with commands like `kubectl delete deployment` is crucial for maintaining robust, scalable, and efficient infrastructure. This detailed guide will provide you...

The post When and Why to Use ‘kubectl delete deployment’ in Managing Kubernetes appeared first on Perimattic.


In the ever-evolving world of software development, Kubernetes has established itself as a linchpin in managing containerized applications across various environments. Whether it’s cloud, on-premise, or hybrid systems, understanding how to effectively manage deployments with commands like `kubectl delete deployment` is crucial for maintaining robust, scalable, and efficient infrastructure. This detailed guide will provide you a depth understanding of Kubernetes and ‘kubectl delete deployment’ and tell you how and when to use ‘kubectl delete deployment’ with examples.

Understanding Kubernetes and `kubectl`


What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. At its core, Kubernetes provides tools necessary to run distributed systems resiliently, handling scaling and failover for your applications, providing deployment patterns, and more.

What is `kubectl`?

`kubectl` is the command-line interface for Kubernetes that allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters. It lets you control the Kubernetes cluster manager, managing every aspect of a cluster from application deployment to cluster resource allocation.

Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration tool used to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale.

In Kubernetes, a Deployment describes a deployed application. It is a higher-level abstraction that manages an application’s desired state, such as the number of replicas (copies), the container image to use for the Pods, and the resources required. When you create a Deployment, Kubernetes automatically creates and manages the underlying ReplicaSets and Pods to achieve the desired state.

Understanding `kubectl delete deployment`

The `kubectl delete deployment` command is crucial for removing deployments from a Kubernetes cluster. By executing this command, Kubernetes stops the associated pods and effectively removes the deployment from the cluster’s records, freeing up resources and ensuring that outdated or unnecessary applications do not consume valuable system resources.

When to Use `kubectl delete deployment`

1. Deployment Updates

Updating software in a live environment is a common challenge. `kubectl delete deployment` plays a critical role here, allowing administrators to remove an existing deployment before a new version is introduced, ensuring that updates occur smoothly without disruptions.

case study

2. Resource Management

Effective resource management is vital in environments where resources are expensive or limited. `kubectl delete deployment` can be strategically used to free up cluster resources for more critical services.

3. Error Correction

Mistakes in deployment configurations can cause operational issues. Swiftly removing faulty deployments using `kubectl delete deployment` ensures that they can be redeployed correctly, minimizing downtime and operational risks.

4. Risks and Considerations

Deleting a deployment can have significant consequences if not handled correctly. It is imperative to ensure that no critical services are impacted. This section covers risk mitigation strategies and the importance of backup systems in deployment management.

expert insights

How to use kubectl delete deployment command

The kubectl delete deploymentcommand is utilize to delete Deployments in Kubernetes or K8S. It is important to keep in mind to used it with caution, and also double-check that the YAML files you are issuing against the command contain what you think before going ahead.

How to delete a Deployment from kubectl? Step By Step Guide

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt and connect to your K8S cluster.
  2. View a list of deployments with the kubectl get deployment command.
    Use the -n <namespace> flag to specify the namespace of the deployment.
  3. Delete the deployment with the kubectl delete deployment <deployment name> -n <namespace name>.
    For example, if you had a deployment namedarticle-deployment in thearticle namespace, you would run kubectl delete deployment article -deployment -n article

One of the useful options for the kubectl delete deployment command is:

--grace-period=-1 – Period of time in seconds given to the resource to terminate gracefully.

What happens when you delete a Deployment in Kubernetes?

When you delete any deployment object the Kubernetes or K8S first marks the Deployment for deletion in the control plane. The control plane then ensures that the specific state of the deployment is deleted from the system.

Next, the Deployment controller in Kubernetes, responsible for managing the expected number of replicas or pods that is specified in the deployment configuration starts scaling down the number of pods to zero.

This involves terminating the existing pods gracefully by sending a SIGTERM signal to the pod’s main process, allowing it to perform any necessary cleanup or shutdown activities. The grace period for termination is defined in the deployment’s pod termination settings.

Once the termination grace period is reached, K8S sends a SIGKILL signal to forcefully terminate the pod if it hasn’t terminated on its own. The pod is then removed from the node.

As pods are terminated and deleted, the actual state of the Deployment aligns with the desired state of having zero replicas.

Once all the pods have been terminated and deleted successfully , K8S considers the Deployment deleted. The Deployment object is then removed from the Kubernetes control plane.

Note:  While the deployment object is removed, the underlying containers with their images cannot be deleted automatically.

Moreover , if the deployment managed any associated resources such as PersistentVolumes, or ConfigMaps, Kubernetes Secrets, those might still exist unless they were specifically removed.

Kubernetes operates asynchronously, and the expected timing of events may vary on the basis of configuration settings, cluster load, and other factors.

Kubectl delete deployment examples

Example 1 – How to delete all deployments inside the default namespace

To delete all deployments inside the default namespace in Kubernetes, you can use the `kubectl` command-line tool. Here’s the command:

kubectl delete deployment --all -n default

This command deletes all deployments in the default namespace.

If you want to do this programmatically, then here’s an example in Python using the `kubernetes` library:

from kubernetes import client, config

# Load kube config file

# Create an instance of the Kubernetes API
api_instance = client.AppsV1Api()

# List all deployments in the default namespace
deployments = api_instance.list_namespaced_deployment(namespace="default")

# Delete each deployment
for deployment in deployments.items:
print(f"Deployment {} deleted.")

This Python code uses the `kubernetes` library to interact with the Kubernetes API.

Example 2 — How to delete Kubernetes deployment from a specific namespace

To delete a Kubernetes deployment from a specific namespace, you can use the `kubectl` command-line tool or programmatically interact with the Kubernetes API using your preferred programming language.

Here’s how to delete a deployment using `kubectl`:

kubectl delete deployment <deployment_name> -n <namespace_name>

For example, if you had a deployment named article-deployment in the blog namespace, you would run kubectl delete deployment article-deployment -n article.

If you prefer to do this programmatically, here’s an example in Python:

from kubernetes import client, config

# Load kube config file

# Create an instance of the Kubernetes API
api_instance = client.AppsV1Api()

# Specify the name of the deployment and the namespace
deployment_name = "example-deployment"
namespace = "your-namespace"

# Delete the deployment
print(f"Deployment {deployment_name} deleted from namespace {namespace}.")

Replace `”example-deployment”` with the name of the deployment you want to delete, and `”your-namespace”` with the specific namespace from which you want to delete the deployment.

Example 3 – How to delete all deployments in all namespaces

To delete all deployments in all namespaces, you can use the `kubectl` command-line tool with the `–all-namespaces` flag:

kubectl delete deployment --all --all-namespaces

This command will delete all deployments across all namespaces in your Kubernetes cluster.

Here’s an example in Python using the `kubernetes` library:

from kubernetes import client, config

# Load kube config file

# Create an instance of the Kubernetes API
api_instance = client.AppsV1Api()

# List all deployments in all namespaces
deployments = api_instance.list_deployment_for_all_namespaces()

# Delete each deployment
for deployment in deployments.items:
print(f"Deployment {} deleted from namespace {deployment.metadata.namespace}.")

Example 4 – How to delete multiple deployments

You can delete multiple deployments using a single `kubectl delete` command, providing the names of the deployments you want to delete separated by spaces:

kubectl delete deployment <deployment1_name> <deployment2_name> ... <deploymentN_name>

Replace `<deployment1_name>`, `<deployment2_name>`, etc., with the names of the deployments you want to delete.

Here’s an example in Python using the `kubernetes` library:

from kubernetes import client, config

# Load kube config file

# Create an instance of the Kubernetes API
api_instance = client.AppsV1Api()

# Specify the names of the deployments and the namespace
deployment_names = ["deployment1", "deployment2", "deployment3"]
namespace = "your-namespace"

# Delete each deployment
for deployment_name in deployment_names:
print(f"Deployment {deployment_name} deleted from namespace {namespace}.")

Replace `”deployment1″`, `”deployment2″`, etc., with the names of the deployments you want to delete, and `”your-namespace”` with the specific namespace from which you want to delete the deployments.

Example 5 — How to delete Kubernetes deployments using its YAML configuration file

If you had a file with a deployment defined in it namedarticle-deployment.yaml  you could run:

kubectl delete -f article-deployment.yaml

The -f flag (alias to --filename) is followed by the path containing the resource to delete.

You can also use this approach to delete multiple deployments by specifying multiple file paths:

kubectl delete -f article-deployment-1.yaml -f blog-deployment-2.yaml

Best Practices for Deployment Management in Kubernetes

Explore alternative management strategies that might be more suitable than deletion in certain scenarios, such as using `kubectl scale` for adjusting the deployment size or `kubectl rollout` to undo problematic deployments.

Best practices

Advanced Use Cases

1. Automating Deployment Management: Integrating `kubectl delete deployment` into automated scripts can streamline operations and reduce human error. This section can include code snippets and configuration examples.

2. Integration with CI/CD Pipelines: How `kubectl delete deployment` can be used within continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines to manage deployments dynamically based on development workflows.

Monitoring and Logging

Monitoring Best Practices

1. Pick the Right Tools: Tools like Prometheus for gathering metrics and Grafana for visualization make monitoring more intuitive. They help you see what’s happening in your cluster in a more user-friendly way.

2. Set Alerts: It’s like having a watchdog. Set up alerts with tools like Alertmanager to notify you when something goes wrong, so you’re not constantly checking manually.

3. Regular Health Checks: Implement liveness and readiness probes in your applications. These are your apps’ way of saying, “I’m okay” or “I need help,” helping you catch issues before they escalate.

Logging Best Practices

1. Centralize Your Logs: Use tools like Fluentd or Logstash to collect all logs in one place. It’s like having all your notes in one notebook, making it easier to find what you need.

2. Make Logs Useful: Structure your logs well (think about including timestamps, error codes, and clear messages). This makes them much more helpful when you’re trying to figure out what went wrong.

3. Review Regularly: Don’t just collect logs; make it a habit to look through them. It can give you insights into how your applications behave over time, which is invaluable for proactive maintenance.kubectl

Future Trends in Kubernetes Management

Kubernetes management is evolving with AI and machine learning (ML) innovations, impacting how commands like `kubectl delete deployment` are used:

1. Predictive Scaling and Auto-Tuning: AI can predict workload demands and adjust resources automatically, reducing the need to manually delete deployments due to resource misallocation.

2. Anomaly Detection and Self-Healing: ML models detect anomalies in deployments and can trigger automatic redeployment or scaling, potentially decreasing manual deletions due to errors.

3. Enhanced Resource Optimization: AI-driven analytics help in optimizing resource allocation, potentially reducing the frequency of manual interventions like `kubectl delete deployment`.

These advancements suggest a future where Kubernetes management is more proactive and automated, relying less on manual command execution.


Mastering `kubectl delete deployment` is crucial for Kubernetes administrators looking to maintain an efficient and reliable IT infrastructure. This comprehensive guide has covered the command in depth, from basic use cases to advanced integrations, ensuring that practitioners can apply these insights to enhance their operations.

The post When and Why to Use ‘kubectl delete deployment’ in Managing Kubernetes appeared first on Perimattic.

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