Why should I adopt DevOps Culture?

By the year 2025, more than 85% of organizations will embrace DevOps culture in their workplace. Isn’t that interesting? The adoption rate of DevOps in major companies is ever-evolving. Not just this, around 99% of the companies admit that implementing a DevOps-centric approach had a positive impact on their organization. It not just helps in producing high-quality deliverables but, reduces the time-to-market software service, says 49% of the companies.

With almost 77% of the companies currently relying on DevOps to deploy their software products in a short, the market of DevOps is tremendously increasing. DevOps is a mixture of software development and IT operations departments. It is a strategy that helps to automate the software product development between different teams collaboratively on the same level. By adopting this culture, many organizations are achieving unbelievable revenue rates.

Other than removing silos (communication barriers between teams), DevOps also eliminates reliance on the availability of a person or team for software delivery to progress. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss what DevOps culture is and what are the benefits of adopting it into your organization. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s jump into it!

What is DevOps culture?

DevOps culture involves closer collaboration and shared responsibility of the development and operations team for software products that are being created by the company. This not just enables better communication between the teams by removing silos, but also streamlines the work for efficient management.

This culture aligns the people, processes, and products associated with them toward a more unified consumer focus. DevOps culture cultivates multidisciplinary teams that have different work but they work collaboratively to release software products, in a streamlined and fast manner. This embraces software engineering culture, its workflow, and the toolset it uses to elevate operational requirements to the same level of importance as design and development.

When the teams work together, there is less confusion and the work can easily be understood to deploy products at a faster rate. Since both teams work closely, it becomes fairly easier for the management to be scrutinized and bring the teams closer. DevOps is an organizational cultural shift that promotes continuous learning and improvement, together.

Reasons to Adopt DevOps Culture in Businesses

After understanding what DevOps culture is, let’s move toward the reasons why this cultural shift needs to take place in workplaces and businesses. Is it because it mitigates repetitive tasks and promotes automation? Or, because of the better collaboration?

Let’s read about this together!

1. Robust Innovation

DevOps integrates the operations and development team, this reduces the waiting time and mitigates confusion for both the departments. This leads to the development and deployment of the products at a faster rate. Since both the teams work collaboratively on a project, there are lesser differences between them which leads to robust innovation in product building of the company, which eventually leads to its betterment in terms of the global market.

The success of businesses today hinges on their ability to innovate faster as per the customer’s requirements. Since technology is improving each day, people expect better updates every time. Implementing a DevOps culture in your business enables you to think creatively and cater to the needs of the customers on a wider horizon.

2. Enhanced Collaboration

Till now, you must have understood that the main objective of implementing DevOps culture in the workplace is to bring the IT operations and software development teams together on the same level. This improves collaboration within the company. A successful DevOps-centric culture promises to build a bridge between the two departments to make them work efficiently.

With enhanced collaboration, both departments work together to achieve the company’s goals, rather than focusing on their objectives. This leads to the progress of the company on a global level.

3. Improved Efficiency

Automation of repetitive tasks and standardized production platforms are the two key elements of DevOps culture, which makes product deployment faster and frees your IT technical staff from being stuck in the loop of repetitive tasks. With automated testing and code integration, developers can focus their attention on something more significant other than mimicking back-office tasks.

Scalable infrastructure helps the developers to test the solutions at high speed and makes product deployment easier by increasing access to the hardware resources. The use of DevOps-based development tools helps shorten the waiting time for product construction and enables the developers to offer speedy product delivery.

4. Mitigates Failures

Since two teams work together, they don’t have to go through the hassle of sending each other codes one after the other. This not just saves time but reduces the chances of failures, providing security to the product-building phase. DevOps also keeps the team members fully engaged throughout the life cycle of an application that results in a higher quality of code.

Fewer bugs are created as developers work closely with each other and naturally eliminate potential problems while coding. According to a recent report, organizations that adopt DevOps culture have 60 times fewer failures as compared to those that do not.


Since DevOps is not a tool or software that needs to be used, but a culture in which people fit together and work together, it is important for the company’s employees to make significant changes in their working habits. Therefore, it’s a challenge for the company itself to implement a DevOps-centric approach at its highest levels.

Often grass-root efforts are made in the beginning to build better management. But, the problem arises when the two departments that have always followed the traditional approach of working separately come together to collaborate. There are differences in not just working manner, but ideology as well. To dissolve the conflicts and focus on product management and building is the most significant challenge that needs to be overcome.

High autonomy levels and trust in a DevOps culture are difficult to cultivate if there’s a history of conflict between teammates. The more siloed the teams were before, the harder it is for the company to implement a collaborative work approach.

Even in environments having high harmony levels between individuals, it is sometimes difficult to resolve conflicts, and this can be a bit challenging. But, once the setup is done, no one can stop your company from making it to the top.

Summing Up

Developers have been chasing the dream of releasing software updates frequently, with less effort, for decades. But, with DevOps culture companies can ship good code in a less interval of time with even fewer bugs. Cultivating a DevOps culture in your business can seem a bit overwhelming at first, but the rewards are a boon for the company.


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