The Perimattic Blog
Our official blog with news, technology advice, and business culture.

Git Detached Head: What Is It and How To Fix This?
If you are also one of the millions of git user, you may have also encountered the “detached HEAD state”. It might be annoying for

Git Detached Head: What Is It and How To Fix This?
If you are also one of the millions of git user, you may have also encountered the “detached HEAD state”. It might be annoying for

Kubectl exec: Everything You Need To Know in 2024
The “kubectl exec” command helps you to get inside the running container by opening it and accessing its shell. The shell gives a command-line interface

5 Ways to Fix “exec format error”
The “exec format error” occurs when someone tries to run a script and the system encounters any issue with the executable file format. This error

15 Best DevOps Automation Tools in 2024
In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, DevOps automation tools have become indispensable for organizations aiming to streamline their workflows, enhance collaboration, and accelerate delivery cycles.

Fix Docker Compose Command Not Found: 5 Possible Causes with their Solutions
When diving into the world of containerization with Docker, Docker Compose emerges as a fundamental tool for simplifying the orchestration of multi-container applications. However, encountering

Bash Strings Comparison: 4 Ways To Check if Two Strings Are Equal
While writing Bash scripts, we will often require Bash string comparison to evaluate if two strings are equal or not. The two strings are equal

Bash Regex Mastery: A Powerful Tool for Simplifying String Handlingin 2024
Bash Regex is a powerful tool for defining patterns within text. These patterns serve as robust mechanisms for searching, manipulating, and matching text, significantly reducing

How to Delete Remote Git Tags: Importance, Best Practices, and Release Management Tips
In this article, we will know what git tags are, the importance they have in release management, how to delete git remove tag both remote

What Is Kubectl Port-Forward and How Does It Work?
Kubernetes is the popular container orchestration platform for deploying and managing the containerized applications. When we deploy a containerized application to the Kubernetes cluster, it

How to Force Git Pull to Overwrite Local Files
If you are a software developer, the you are very well with the git version control system Git is one of the powerful tools that